How to Unlock Freedom: Earn Passive Income While Working Full-Time
Discover proven passive income strategies for busy working women in 2024 and beyond. Learn how to build multiple income streams while maintaining your 9-5 job.
Discover proven passive income strategies for busy working women in 2024 and beyond. Learn how to build multiple income streams while maintaining your 9-5 job.
If you're looking for a challenge and a bit of solitude, then you should hike the tracks in Punakaiki. These are some of the most beautiful trails in this area.
Oamaru is a great place to visit if you are interested in marine life. It’s located near the Waitaki River. The Blue Penguin Colony is located on Anchor Island.
When you're struggling to stay motivated, it can be helpful to find someone who is motivation personified. Look for someone who is doing what you want to do.
Being guilty of sitting back and not wanting to be visible has led to a stagnation of business. I knew I had to fix this but I fearful to make myself visible.
When you don’t know who to contact to get into a certain genre it can stifle your prospects. Contact others that have worked in the area you want to work in.
As photographers we have all heard this phrase “You’re too expensive”. You will always get objections around your price so don’t take this personally at all.
Munted is said when you state something is badly damaged or ruined. The kiwi slang term became well known after the Christchurch earthquakes.
The term crib is generally used in the South Island for a holiday home. Cribs were built out of cheap or recycled material like old timber. New Zealand Slang
Choice is a kiwi slang word that use to get said a lot. It is more of a retro slang term that can mean many things like, you are happy. New Zealand Slang Words
What is the origin of the term Jandals? The history of the kiwi jandal & its meaning has been debated. Morris Yock trademarked the jandal. New Zealand Slang
Yeah nah is a non-committal statement, you are acknowledging what someone is saying but you don't agree. It means indecision, no or maybe. Kiwi Slang Words.